Direct donations on

If you complete a direct donation to a charity via their dedicated charity page on, this donation will not contribute to the counter on their page that says, ‘total raised on’.

Payment security

Payments made through Wonderful are simple, fast and secure. Wonderful is an Authorised Payment Institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and uses Open Banking to facilitate payment initiation.

WooCommerce Plugin Installation

Ready to start saving BIG on transaction fees? Read our step by step guide to downloading and installing the Wonderful Payments instant bank payments WooCommerce extension for WordPress. Powered by Open Banking. Delivered by Wonderful - an FCA Authorised Payment Institution.

Supported payment types

Whenever someone makes a donation on a fundraising page, the payment is transferred directly from the donor's bank account to the charity's bank account. This process is known as an instant bank transfer and is made possible by Open Banking.

Your charity profile

Charities listed at manage their profiles via their Wonderful account at This includes adding or updating their charity's logo, cover image and description.

Creating QR codes

Wonderful charities already have access to a QR code for their direct donation page, which they can print on fundraising materials. But with a little technical know-how, a third party service can be used to create a QR code for a specific, pre-populated donation amount.

Tickets, events, raffles

HMRC has specific restrictions as to whether Gift Aid can be applied / claimed if the donor is receiving a 'benefit' in return for the donation (such as admission to an event, a raffle ticket, or an item purchased in an auction).

Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows charities to generate an additional 25% on donations, at no extra cost to the donor. Find out how to apply Gift Aid and how your charity can download the data required to reclaim Gift Aid.