Build an order
Kieron James - 30th Oct, 2024
Welcome to the third guide in our series. Today, we’re going to explore how to use the Wonderful dashboard to build an order. But just a quick reminder: you can do all of this through our free mobile app too. Download it from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store. Watch the video guide Building an Order is ideal when you want to create an itemised breakdown of products or services that your payment link relates to. Here are a couple of examples: * A plumber who wants to show c
Welcome to the third guide in our series. Today, we’re going to explore how to use the Wonderful dashboard to build an order. But just a quick reminder: you can do all of this through our free mobile app too. Download it from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store.
Watch the video guide
Building an Order is ideal when you want to create an itemised breakdown of products or services that your payment link relates to. Here are a couple of examples:
- A plumber who wants to show costs for "parts and labour" separately in her payment description, or;
- A simple breakdown of items ordered at a café.
From the main navigation, tap or click Get Paid and then choose Build an Order. Every order requires a customer. If you don’t have any customers yet, don’t worry! Just click the New button on the right to add your customer’s information.
Next, select the customer who will be paying you and add an Order description. Although the order description is optional, it’s really helpful for both you and your customer when you’re reviewing previous orders. For example, our plumber might add an invoice number, or “Hotpoint washing machine repair” – whatever works best for her. Do remember, you’ll be able to search and filter your orders by customer and other fields in the Reporting section of the dashboard.
Now it’s time to build the order! Start by adding your first Line item description. Let’s continue using our plumber to work through an example. She adds “Replacement rubber hoses” as her first line item description.
She then adds a quantity – she replaced two hoses – and the cost of each hose is £15.
Next, she needs to bill her customer for labour. She spent 90 minutes repairing the washing machine. So, she taps Add line and adds a line item description of “Hourly rate £50”. In the quantity field, she enters 1.5 (for one and a half hours work), and in the price field, she adds 50.
Since she doesn’t charge VAT, her simple order is complete. If her business was VAT-registered, she could add an additional line for the VAT amount.
And that's it. Now she simply clicks or taps the green button that says Create order. Her QR code and payment link are ready to share.
Finally, she just copies the link or QR code – we usually recommend the link since it’s more versatile – and shares it with her customer via email, text message, or WhatsApp.