
Enterprise integrations

Jason Rudland - 5th Sep, 2023

Wonderful's instant bank payment service can be integrated with your checkout. Our public API will be released shortly. Contact our team to find out how much we can save your enterprise business on transaction processing fees.

Wonderful is in the process of building a number of Open Banking eCommerce platform / accountancy software payments integrations.

Our WooCommerce plugin is now available for download and installation and Xero will follow shortly.

We understand that larger enterprise businesses, local and national government, and other public service providers and agencies will have very different payment processing integration needs from those of small businesses. Our public API for Open Banking payment and account information services will be released shortly and our dedicated technical and integration team will be very happy to answer any questions you may have.

The option for your users or customers to select Wonderful at checkout is not an exclusive one. And even though our instant bank payment service will likely be simpler, faster and more secure than traditional payment options, it can operate alongside any existing solutions that you currently provide. You don't have to make a "this or that" decision; it is "this AND that".

If you require a bespoke Open Banking payment solution or integration with a proprietary / enterprise eCommerce service, please don't hesitate to contact our integration team.

One by Wonderful

Instant bank payments

Featured FAQs

How much will I save?

Our highly predictable, transparent and aggressive fee structure, typically saving merchants more than 90% on transaction fees is a simple, secure alternative to debit and credit cards. It also includes instant settlement.

Enterprise integrations

Wonderful's instant bank payment service can be integrated with your checkout. Our public API will be released shortly. Contact our team to find out how much we can save your enterprise business on transaction processing fees.

Why we don't take cards

We do not take a percentage of funds raised, ask for tips, or do anything that prevents 100% of donations going to the causes that charity supporters are so passionate about. We are inspired and driven by that passion.

Payment security

Payments made through Wonderful are simple, fast and secure. Wonderful is an Authorised Payment Institution regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and uses Open Banking to facilitate payment initiation.